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Dongho Kim


Ph.D. University of Georgia 진로 및 정보학과

M.A.   서울대학교 교육학과

B.S.    서울대학교 교육학과


2024-현재     서울대학교 산업인력개발학과 교수

2020-2024   성균관대학교 교육학과 교수

2018-2020   University of Florida 교육공학전공 교수

2017-2018   Northern Illinois University 교육공학전공 교수


AI기반 맞춤형 경력개발 시스템

몰입형 시뮬레이션 학습환경 


차세대 학습자 중심 이러닝  

주요 연구실적 (최근 5년)

Kim, D., Ding, L., & Cho, T. (2025). Bridging theory and practice: the effects of experiential learning-based simulation training on technology integration competency among pre-service teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-19.

Lee, J., & Kim, D*. (2025). Levelling up learning in higher education: Gamification of in‐video components to supercharge student learning and achievement in video‐based learning. British Journal of Educational Technology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13564

한은혜, 조태준, & 김동호. (2024). 영성지능이 영역초월행동에 미치는 영향: 일의 의미와 자기효능감의 매개효과를 중심으로. 농업교육과 인적자원개발56(3), 77-100.

Zheng, H., Branch, R. M., Ding, L., Kim, D., Jung, E., Lu, Z., … & Yoon, M. (2024). The combination of segmentation and self-explanation to enhance video-based learning. Active Learning in Higher Education25(2), 285-302.

김경리, & 김동호*. (2024). 몰입형 가상 시뮬레이션 과학 탐구학습 효과 분석: CAMIL (Cognitive Affective Model of Immersive Learning) 관점 기반 설계. 교육공학연구40(4), 915-953.

Lee, J., & Kim, D*. (2024). From awareness to empowerment: self-determination theory-informed learning analytics dashboards to enhance student engagement in asynchronous online courses. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 1-41.

최경환, & 김동호. (2023). 동영상 기반 학습에서 하위목표 (Sub-goal) 제시와 자기모니터링 (self-monitoring) 이 학습동기 및 몰입, 학습효과에 미치는 효과. 열린교육연구31(3), 93-120.

Ding, L., Yoon, M., & Kim, D*. (2023). Unveiling the pedagogical advantage of tutoring‐style videos in an authentic biology class. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12930

김경리, & 김동호*. (2023). 3D MUVE (다중참여형 가상공간) 를 활용한 초등 연극 수업이 학습자의 자기표현과 사회성에 미치는 영향: 제페토를 중심으로. 교육정보미디어연구29(3), 599-625.

Jung, E., Lim, R., & Kim, D*. (2022). A Schema-Based Instructional Design Model for Self-Paced Learning Environments. Education Sciences12(4), 271.

Huang, X., Bernacki, M. L., Kim, D., & Hong, W. (2022). Examining the role of self-efficacy and online metacognitive monitoring behaviors in undergraduate life science education. Learning and Instruction, 101577.

김유경, 이정원, & 김동호*. (2022). Elastic net 회귀분석을 활용한 고등학생들의 자기주도학습능력 예측요인 탐색. 한국교육문제연구40(2), 83-109.

Jung, E., Zheng, H., Webster, N., Hamad, A., Demir, F., & Kim, D*. (2021). A Model of Learning Technology Partnership with Vendors: A Systematic Process. Contemporary Educational Technology13(4), ep321.

이정원, & 김동호* (2021). 온라인 평가 전략 상담 챗봇 개발 및 사용성 평가. 열린교육연구29(3), 31-53.

Kim, D., Jo, I. H., Song, D., Zheng, H., Li, J., Zhu, J., Huang, X., Yan, W., & Xu, Z. (2021). Self-regulated learning strategies and student video engagement trajectory in a video-based asynchronous online course: a Bayesian latent growth modeling approach. Asia Pacific Education Review, 1-13.

Valle, N., Antonenko, P., Valle, D., Sommer, M., Huggins-Manley, A. C., Dawson, K., Kim, D., & Baiser, B. (2021). Predict or describe? How learning analytics dashboard design influences motivation and statistics anxiety in an online statistics course. Educational Technology Research and Development, 1-27.

Leite, W. L., Jing, X., Kuang, H., Kim, D., & Huggins-Manley, A. C. (2021). Multilevel mixture modeling with propensity score weights for quasi-experimental evaluation of virtual learning environments. Structural Equation Modeling. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705511.2021.19

Kim, D ., Jung, E., Yoon, M., Chang, Y., Park, S., Kim, D., & Demir, F. (2021). Exploring the structural relationships between course design factors, learner commitment, self-directed learning, and intentions for further learning in a self-paced MOOC. Computers and Education, 166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104171. [SSCI]

Yoon, M., Hill, J., & Kim, D*. (2021). Designing supports for promoting self-regulated learning in the flipped classroom. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 1-21. DOI: 10.1007/s12528-021-09269-z

Kim, D., & Yun, H. (2020). The effects of motivational strategies on online and face-to-face students’ cognitive self-regulation and achievement. The Journal of Yeolin Education, 28(5), 347-373.

Kim, D., Lee, Y., Leite, W. L., & Huggins-Manley, A. C. (2020). Exploring student and teacher usage patterns associated with student attrition in an open educational resource-supported online learning platform. Computers & Education156, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103961. [SSCI]

Yun, H., Park, S., Kim, D., Jung, E., & Yoon, M. (2020). The influence of academic level and course delivery mode on the use of motivational regulation strategies and learning engagement. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology36(3), 89-103. [SSCI]

Song, D., & Kim, D. (2020). Effects of self-regulation scaffolding on online participation and learning outcomes. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-15 [SSCI]

Tawfik, A., Kim, K., & Kim, D. (2020). Effects of case library recommendation system on problem solving and knowledge structure development. Educational Technology Research and Development. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-020-09737-w [SSCI; 2018 IF: 2.115]